Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Never Existed Before

So... one year ago today... I accepted, whether I wanted to or not, the challenge of being a mom. Yes today is about my son and his life, but it's more of a celebration for me that I actually survived. When I found out that I was pregnant, I wasn't married, I was still in nursing school, I was living with my parents. I was a wreck. 9 months, a semester, summer, and many many pregnancy complications and a c-section later... I was a mom. Eric was gone for the first 6 weeks of Joseph's life. I spent so many nights praying to God that Joseph would sleep longer than 3 hours at a time. I had never felt that exhaution before...I thought for sure I was going to die of sleep deprivation... now it's an old hat. I vowed to myself that all I had to do was take it one day at a time. 365 one-days-at-a-time... I'm still alive, I'm done with school and an RN, and my son sleeps through the night... amazing.

Tonight we had a mini celebration (his party is Saturday).

We sang Happy Birthday and he go to eat his birthday cupcake... hysterical!

He didn't know what to think about it at first...

but daddy put the icing in his mouth and then...

it was everywhere... we all got a big laugh out of it and Joe thoroughly enjoyed smearing it everywhere!!! Afterwards... we needed a bath...

His bathtub looked like we killed something in it... nice choice on the red icing right? :-)

After a bath and PJs, we played with new toys from Aunt Kristin!

Cups... he loves playing with plastic cups.. he really likes to put them up to his mouth and yell into them... he likes the echo :-) It's pretty funny to watch!

She also got him this cool fire truck and sings and lights up and you hit it with a hammer. What more could you ask for a for a little boy toy!! Daddy had to show him what to do with the hammer, he still didn't get it and just pushed the truck around.

All-in-all it was a great night. I can't believe that it has been a year... it has flown. My baby isn't a baby anymore... he's a little boy. My little boy.

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

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