Monday, December 6, 2010

First Snow

We enjoyed the first accumulating snow in a different way this year... Joe got to play in it for the first time. He was a little too small last year..

He really didn't know what to think of the white fluffy stuff. Eric, who had gone out earlier that day to buy a sled, decided to take him for a ride...

These are some of my favorites from the day...

Joe finished his day in snow by making his first snow angel...

Tree Time

Every year the weekend following Thanksgiving we pick out our Christmas tree. We've been getting a fresh tree every year since I can remember... and we're continuing the tradition with Joseph. It was a beautiful day, but cold!

Joseph had so much fun running around in the fields. It was a little nerve racking for me though because of all of the stumps around, but he did great only fell a dozen or so times. :-) He eventually toddled over to papaw. He played hide and seek around the trees and Joe finally found him!

We picked our tree and then daddy and Joe got to ride with the tree in the gator! Eric said he was giggling most of the way... unfortunately just not in the picture.

While we were waiting for the tree to get the shake down, hole drilled in the bottom (for our cool tree stand that makes it straight), and wrapped, we occupied joe with a little red wagon.

Then we all enjoyed some Hot chocolate... some more than others ;-)

Thankful for This Life

Thanksgiving... it's a time of year to remind us to take a look at our lives and remember all that we have to be thankful for. This year, I have a lot. For one, there's Joseph.

I thank god for him every single day. There are days I feel overwhelmed, but most days I look at him and think he's the best thing I've ever done! Of course I'm thankful for making it through school and for my career as a nurse and loving supportive family.

Thanksgiving in my house is a family style meal that looks a little something like this...

Dad was carving the turkey and noticed that the turkey legs were still in tact.... so I decided to give one to Joe.

He loved it! We all loved it.. it was hilarious to see him swing the turkey leg around... oh yes he was swinging it around his head like a baseball bat.
Thanksgiving was a great day. A family filled wonderful day!