Thursday, May 27, 2010

"In every ending there's a beginning"

Well it's been almost a month since I finally did it. I graduated from nursing school. I know it should feel like this HUGE accomplishment, but believe or not it doesn't...yet. I was pinned Thursday, May 29th in a wonderful ceremony. We got to wear our cap and gowns and funny hoods. We walked across the stage, shook the hand of the nursing dean and had our 15 seconds of glory. I found out April 12th that I was going to be an OB nurse when my current manager offered me a position as an RN. an RN... I'm actually going to be an RN. It doesn't feel real yet. It's weird... I've been working toward this thing my entire life. This thing that always seemed so far away. This thing that was always in the future. Now it's in the present. Now my career is actually starting. It's all very surreal still. I start in my new job in two weeks. Well it's the same job, just a different title and more responsibility. Oh yeah and there's always that little thing about...oh yeah... boards. Gotta pass that test before all of this can truly happen.
I can finally begin the next chapter of my life with my family. Almost 10 months ago I gave birth to the cutest baby on earth. Well at least I think he's the cutest.

I didn't have the easiest pregnancy, but he is totally worth it.

He is your typical 9 month old. Crawling, yammering dada -- no mama yet-- and pulling up on everything. He started walking with his walker a week or so ago. It's so funny to watch. It's amazing how fast they grow up... I'm sure that I'll be saying that for the rest of his life and mine. Eric and I love being parents. I can already tell that they are going to be buds and grow up together...haha.

"Happiness is never having to ask yourself if you're happy."

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