Joseph looking cool in his tuxedo

July has brought many changes to our lives. I started my new job (well actually in June.) and I also took my boards. I spent the better part of June studying for the biggest test of my life... at least it felt like that. After a crappy night sleep in a crappy hotel bed, I took the test July 1st. Upon leaving Pearson Vue at the Pyramids, I felt an utter sigh of relief. It was finally over. At that point I can't really explain it, but I didn't care if I'd passed or not. It was over. My last question, number 112, was a questions about transitional labor. Ironic. Considering I'm going to be an OB nurse. That night I had a glass of Oliver Soft Red and relaxed with my family. At 8am the next morning I checked for a license number and nothing... at 1004am nothing... at 1014am..... LICENSE NUMBER.... LICENSE NUMBER.... I was officially an RN. I am an RN. The 2nd greatest day of my life. Joseph's birthday being the first. RN.
July has been a month of another first... my first big purchase.
2007 Ford 500
My new ride!
With an almost 1 year old, it was SO time for a 4 door car. I hang up the keys to the old Monte and took on a new set of a mom car... a stylish cool mom car, but a mom car none the less. I've also refused to buy a minivan and I stand firm. I love my new ride... it's great to be a grown up.
"There's no point in being a grown up, if you can't be childish sometimes."
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