Saturday, March 19, 2011

Shaving already?

Joe walked in on papaw in the bathroom this afternoon... he was shaving. Joe just stood and watched him shave. Papaw picked up the shaving cream and started putting some on Joe's face.

Joseph walked out of the bathroom licking his lips making this face like..."ew that's gross" and walked proudly up to my mom as to say look what papaw did.

Then back over to me and said "Cheese!"

Once papaw was done shaving he helped joe "shave" the shave cream off. It was cute Joe kept touching dad's face (who's had a beard allllll winter) like where did it go? I love watching them together...

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's 4am...

Well it's 4am and I'm sitting up watching the Nanny pretend birth twins... thinking.... that wouldn't happen that way.. much like I always do during anything medical on TV. I don't even know why I'm up at this time of night... probably the curse of working nights even though I haven't worked in a few days.

Anyway... started packing yesterday. Oh boy this is going to be fun. I had no idea we had so much CRAP. I mean I found stuff that I haven't seen in years. I'm sure the further I get into packing the more I'll find. Plan on spending all day tomorrow getting stuff ready as well. We move April 2nd, and I feel like it's going to be here before I know it.

Eric got to come home for a night last night. They were driving through on their way to Georgia. I know I've said it before, but I am so proud of him. He stuck with something, like an adult. I mean I wish he had done this years ago.. about 3yrs ago he had talked about getting his CDL and becoming a truck driver, but never did it... something's clicked finally. I think the worst part of all of this is the fact that he's gone all the time... Mon through Fri for the most part except for these first few weeks. We'll get to see him again probably just before vacation April 6th.

That's something else I need to start thinking about is getting things ready for vacation. Yeah that's right we're moving April 2nd and going on vacation April 6th. I'll be coming home to boxes I'm sure, but what are you going do... So we're going to basically Charleston, SC. My cousin is getting married right there on the water, so we decided to make a vacation out of it. Unfortunately almost nothing has gone the way we had originally planned. We were supposed to stay from Thurs to Tues, but some things have changed and now we only have the place until Sunday.... bummer. So we don't know if we're just going to cut the vacay short and come home, find someone else to stay with us in the same place or the final option is to find another place to stay. After talking to my mom I guess we're just going to go down there and see what happens. I'm such a planner that I hate that idea, but I just have to let it go and have fun!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Beginnings

A lot of things are changing in my little family's life. First of all Eric's started his new job as a CDL truck driver with H.O. Wolding in Wisconsin. He'll be gone for the next month then Mon thru Fri, but home on weekends to hang out with Joe and I. I'm happy for him and for us!! Finally he'll be able to take care of his family like he's been talking about for the last 19months and the stress of being the sole breadwinner will be off of me.

In other news... WE'RE MOVING! It became official a couple of days ago and it's happening fast. Probably faster than I thought I would want it to happen, but I know that I'm ready. I'm ready to have our own space and home. So it's in Martinsville just a few minutes from my mom and dads and Cheri's. It's 3br/2ba townhouse.

It looks a lot smaller than it actually is.

I'm really excited, but have so much to do! With Eric being gone, I've got the responsibility of getting utilities changed over, pack, buy stuff for the new house, arranging for the move... then Eric will come home and we'll move in :-)

On top of moving...I'll be starting a new job. Well same job, different hospital. I've taken a positin on OB at Community South. I'm transfering! Starting April 11th, I'll be working in Greenwood. What a change it's going to be to drive 30min instead of an 1hr to work. I love my job and the girls I work with at North, but the commute is exhausting. I've made that commute for 4yrs and feel like I just can't do it anymore.

So big changes coming up. I'll keep everyone posted!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Boy Can Eat...

Well he comes from a long line of them... eaters. big eaters. Joseph is showing great potential. He's eating 5 or so meals a day and growing like a weed...

Cinnamon toast. It was kind of a tradition between my dad and I. He'd make cinnamon toast and we'd share... now he shares with my son.

He loves his "nummies."

Cereal with milk on it... well on everything else too :-)

Beets. My mom loves beets. Everytime she brings Gray Bros. home for dinner she gets beets for herself. Mom decided to share...

Didn't know I could love someone so much. Until him.