Friday, May 27, 2011

House to Home

So a lot of changes have happened in the last 6 weeks. I started my new job at Community South, which I love. I love the girls there and I love love love the commute of only a short 30 minutes. Compared to 1hr+ to north. I miss my girls at North and it's really been more of an adjustment for me in the way things are done. We do a lot of things the same way, but a lot of things we don't. Seeing as how North, a long 4 yrs ago, was my first hospital job, it's the only way I know how to do things. Bless the girls at South for helping me adjust and understanding my learning curve. I really do love it there though and see myself liking it for a long time to come.

Eric also got a full time job driving a semi truck. I'm so happy and proud of him. Finally providing for our family the way I've always wanted him to, but I guess there's always a price. He's been gone for weeks. He was home last weekend, his first trip home in three weeks. He'll be gone for another 3. It's been a tough adjustment. For all of us. It's temporary. It's temporary. I keep repeating it in my head. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'm SO happy he's got a job. I'm SO happy he likes what he's doing. I know he hates hates hates being away from us and it's gotta be tough on him as well. I know it is. But for so long I've been the one taking care of our family and the one thing I always had to lean back on was coming home to him and him being here to take care of Joseph. Now, I'm relying more on my parents than I ever have because he's gone and I work nights, which is a fact of life that is not going to change anytime soon. I enjoy that niht pay too much and am so not ready to give that up. Really we can't afford to give that up. I don't know, it'll only be 6mos to a year of him being over the road, but it's going to be a long haul. Excuse the pun. :-)

Now off of the not so glamous part of my life to the most exciting part, my house. We moved about 2 months ago and I'm enjoying being an adult. So far. It's finally starting to look like a home, instead of a stark white cold house.

Kitchen - love love love my lime green curtain :-)

Living room

Our bathroom (1st floor)

Joe's froggy bathroom

Still working on getting the finishing touches on Joe's room, our bedroom, as well as the office. It's a slow, but worthwhile process. It was amazing the difference some curtains made. So much more warm. Can't wait until we buy our own house and I can actually paint. Funny story. I've had MANY apartments before this house, but the one apartment I had that was my very own (no roommate) I decided i was going to paint... much against eric's opinion. We painted... and then when I moved out we had to paint it back... much with eric's grumblings. It took a hell of a lot longer than I ever thought it would.... This time, I'm listening to Eric. We're not painting. Although I think it would really add something... damn him. :-)

All in all, we're happy. Together or not. It's finally working.

"When it's just me and you
Who knows what we could do
If we can just make it through
The toughest part of the day"

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