Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Joe's Big Beach Adventure

We finally did it! Got a vacation! We left early on Thursday morning... after I'd worked all night Wednesday night. I bet you can guess just about how excited I was to be in the car (my car... my four door sedan)... with 4 adults and a 2yr old. 12hrs and 4 dramamine later... we arrived in the Isle of Palms, SC (just outside of Charleston, SC) around 11pm and even thought it was dark I could hear the ocean from our oceanfront porch. That has got to be one of the best sounds in the world. Friday we ventured to Target to get a few necessities... sand pales, shovels, and sandals for joseph... then headed to the beach :-)

Which Joe loved more than anything... but who could blame a kid for loving the beach. He ran and ran and ran... then dug in the sand then ran some more. The only thing he loved more than the sand was the ocean. Everytime the waves would come up over his feet he would giggle. It made me want to pack everything I just unpacked and move to the beach so that I could watch him do that every day.

Saturday rolled around and so did the event we all made the 12hr trip for... the wedding. My cousin Eric's.

I think it's safe to say we'll be back. Maybe one day permanantly ;-)

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