Friday, November 5, 2010

Blink and It's Over...

It's amazing how fast time has gone over the last few months. I swear it was just a few days ago and I was picking out stuff for Joe's first birthday and now it's almost Christmas. Amazing. Anyway... Let me catch you up a little.

Joe FINALLY is big enough we switched him over to a "big boy" carseat... mind you he hasn't met the weight limit of the pumpkin carrier seat yet either...

Yeah... he hates his new carseat. Well he hates both car seats... really... he hates anything or anyone that tries to strap him down... You try reasoning with a 15 month old... It goes something like this:

Mommy "Joe, you have to be buckled in to be safe." as I fight him.
Joe SCREAMING and arching his back
Mommy "Joseph edward. Now. I have to buckle you in." as I continue to fight him.
Joe SCREAMING, arching his back, and kicking me.
Mommy "Child, you are going to lose." and he does.

Every time.... I've learned a trick or two though... he loves to play with mommys keys. That usually buys me enough time to get him strapped in... REALLY quick.

I'm SO in for it. He is everywhere now... He's running (a cute little waddle run) and climbing on everything and pulling things down off of tables. It's amazing how such a little person can make such a BIG mess! If it's like this now... what are the supposed "terrible twos" going to be like?! Oh dear. I can only imagine. Although he is a little shit sometimes, he is also the most lovable little guy...

That's him and my little cousin Grace during our most recent trip to Chicago to visit. He was surprisingly ok on the drive up there... waited to melt down until we were pulling into their house edition. We spent a nice long weekend with them... went and saw my 3 year old cousin play soccer... which makes me very excited to Joseph to play sports! It was so fun to watch him get so into it... he was hardcore!

Joe even got to play some soccer! Of course he attention span is even shorter than all the 3 year olds... who knew it was possible!

As many people know, Joseph has a thing for hats... he found a hat at Aunt Jodi's and was putting it on everyone's head... including his Great Grandma's...

Not only does he have a thing for hats... but also sunglasses!

I love my little guy... and all his beautiful quirks.

"Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand, You can't flip it over and start again, Take every breathe God gives you for what it's worth"

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