Thursday, July 15, 2010

Over the River...

To grandmother's house we go.

Spent the other evening with my grandma. She gets such a kick out of Joseph, but let's be honest... who doesn't?

Got a few pictures of course

We put Joseph in his walker while we all sat on the back porch. Although truly kept to the confines of the 12x12 concrete porch... you could tell Joseph felt totally free.. he tried to escape, but the pesky grass kept him from going to far.

We put sandals on Joseph because we were outside... they didn't last very long. He rubs his feet together until he gets his shoes off. So after successfully getting his sandals off I gave up the fight to keep them on and let his feet get dirty... really dirty.

Never a dull moment when hanging out with Joseph! Mom would sing and clap and he would jump up and down like he was dancing in his walker and would hop across the patio. Hysterical!

"Families are like fudge -- mostly sweet with a few nuts."
--author unknown

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