Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"See the world rather than just look at it"


"I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it."

I found this quote to be absolutely true... at least for me. I took a photography class last year and fell completely in love with it. There's something different about the way I look at the world around me. Kind of like ooh that would make an interesting picture or how could I make that into an interesting photograph. The thing that makes me love photography is that it can be used to make art or memories.

I've become increasingly interested in Macro photography... but unfortunately my current camera isn't the best for that... but I do my best. Of course my favorite subject is my son, but my latest shoot was all about the garden... mostly flowers.

I find a poeticness (if that's not a word.. it is now.) to "soft" things against a "hard" background. Like a flower against stone or wood. Or metal yard tools against soft green leaves of plants. I hope that you enjoy my photographs as much as I do. :-)

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